How Does Emotional Therapy Help?

Client Testimonials

All my life I have battled bouts of depression and have had a black lump of negative feelings inside me, with periodic outbursts of inexplicable rage. Previous counsellors have explained many of my ‘issues’ to me, and told me that my self-belief was lacking. I understood their advice intellectually, but I had no grasp on how to shift my inner beliefs and feelings. Carol Welch introduced me to Emotional Therapeutic Counselling, and the results are astounding. For the first time in my life, I understand that I am not a ‘bad’ person, and the blackness inside me is not evil – it is pain from events in my early childhood. I am learning to move through that pain, and to understand how much of my behaviour is determined by coping strategies I learned early on. With practice, I am learning to alter those strategies and rules to something more positive. The pain isn’t so black any more, the angry outbursts are less frequent and less frightening. I feel calmer and less ashamed of myself already, and for the first time since I was a toddler I can (mostly) look people square in the face and know that I am OK. Carol, with her boundless patience and the wonderful techniques she employs, has changed my life immeasurably. Thank you.

Counselling sessions with Carol Welch.I spent 3-4 months in counselling with Carol during a period when I was feeling particularly low and remarkably estranged from myself and the world. With her help I began to unearth some of the negative beliefs, mostly about myself I had been building up in some cases since childhood and youth. With Carol I found a breathing space. She provided a space where we began looking constructively at the patterns which had emerged and some of the feelings that lay at the base of my thinking. Carol gave me space to talk and often to cry when coming across particularly painful memories or realisations about my shattered self. She helped me understand that I, like everyone am a person evolved through my experiences in life and through the human relationships I have encountered. That it is not all my fault and that I need to be kinder to myself and that there are processes and tools to help me realise where my negative beliefs come from. Tools which, if applied over the time it takes may help me know myself and my limitations and become more in charge of the effects of my fears and anxiety and essentially know how to gain better control of my inner world. I often left a session with Carol feeling better, wiser on myself and relieved to know that I am in charge and can effect to a large extent my own healing. I still have a lot of work to do but Carol set me on the path to better self understanding. She provided a sensitive yet objective environment and inspired complete confidence. Looking back I feel lucky that when I finally decided that this was too much for me to handle by myself and that I needed help I called up Carol. I truly feel she was the right councillor for me and would warmly recommend her to anyone struggling with depression, feelings of self-estrangedness or general problems with relating to the world around and its people. April 2016

I would recommend Carol to anybody looking for counselling based therapy, she has helped me through probably the most difficult time in my life. Always supportive, she has helped me deal with my emotions in a positive way and taught me to care for myself. I found her ways of explaining emotions and feelings very easy to understand and applicable to everything I was going through. She provided me with tools that I could use in day to day life that made problems easier to deal with and so eventually I once again felt strong enough, and confident in myself to get on with life. Thank you so so much.

Feedback from clients suggests that Emotional Therapeutic Counselling may help people develop:

  • Emotional stability
  • Emotional and physical health
  • Confidence
  • Self-esteem
  • Healthy relationships
  • Improved levels of energy

Feedback from clients suggests that Emotional Therapeutic Counselling may help people feel that they:

  • Matter
  • Are ‘good enough’
  • Have a voice and people hear what you say
  • Are interesting
  • Are involved and included
  • Are important to others
  • Are valued and understood
  • Are lovable
  • Are better able to trust
  • Are more spontaneous, free, creative, enthusiastic, playful, and curious
  • Are happy with your weight
  • Are in touch with your feelings and instincts
  • Are positive about life and it’s opportunities
  • Can handle difficult situations
  • Can handle difficult people
  • Can come to terms with past traumas
  • Are able to move forward in life
  • And able to meet your own needs

Tel: 07901552778


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